FY 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Plan

The proposed project would consist of the construction of an addition to the existing shop building. 21-LF-001 SHOP ADDITION

Description: Justification:

The purpose of the project tis to improve shop efficiency for projects. At the time the current building was built, the City was under tight budget constraints and built a building that the budget would allow. Completion of the project would have minimal impact on the budget. Utility costs might increase slightly due to the nature of additional square footage being heated and lighted. The proposed project would purchase a new tanker trailer for the hauling of leachate from the landfill to the wastewater treatment plant. 21-LF-002 LEACHATE TANKER The current trailer will need to be replaced. It will be kept by the City for use on a temporary basis or in times when additional hauling capacity is needed.

Budget Impact:



Budget Impact:

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