FY 21-25 CIP
Capital Improvement Plan City of Spencer, Iowa
FY 21 FY 25 thru
Sanitary Sewer
The proposed project consists of the rehabilitation of certain manhole location throughout the city each year.
As the sanitary sewer system ages, the manholes will continue to deteriorate due to conditions they are subjected too. To ensure that they do not all fail at once, the Department plans on setting aside resources each year to rehabilitation two or three manholes each year.
Budget Impact:
This will be an ongoing budget item each year.
The proposed project will consist of cured in place sewer lining. By performing a lining project, the City is able to maintain and repair damaged sewer mains without having to dig up the roadway. The lining materials will repair most minor damage that can occur in a sewer main, however if the main is ruptured in any way, lining may not prove to be feasible. The City conducted its first cured in place sewer lining project in FY 2013 and was pleased with the outcome. The City anticipates budgeting for a sewer lining project on a regular basis to extend the life of the concrete sewer mains. The sewers that are lined should delay total replacement of the line. Maintenance costs should also be reduced for a period as well. The proposed project will consist of three components. The first is updating the control panel at the W. 4th Street lift station. The control panel tells the pumps when to turn on and off and alerts staff if there are issues with the station. This portion of the project will be completed in 2015. The second component of the project is replacing the valves at the lift station. The valves control the flow of sewage into and out of the station. This portion of the project will be completed in 2015. The third component of the project is to repair the outside of the concrete wet well and pump repairs. This portion of the project will be completed in 2021. 15-SEW-001 W. 4TH STREET LIFT STATION REHABILITATI At the time of replacement, the current panel will be 42 years old. Over that time, technology has changed and the current panel is out of date.
Budget Impact:
At the time of replacement, the valves will also be 42 years old and in need of replacement. By repairing the outside of the wet well, the life expectancy of the well will be extended. This project is being recommended by our Treatment Plant Operators Veolia.
Budget Impact:
Maintenance costs should go down with a newer panel as well as the issue of parts availability.
The proposed project consists of 2 phases. Phase 1 would move the control panel above ground and replace of the pumps with a dry pit submersible pump (15 HP). Phase 2 consists of the rehabilitation of the wet well. At the time of replacement, the controls would be 48 years old and in need of replacement. Technology has changed since the original controls were installed.
Over the years, the wet well has deteriorated to the point of needing repair. At the time of rehabilitation, the wet well will be 49 years old.
Also, the project would allow the lift station to operate during a flooding event.
Budget Impact:
Maintenance costs should be lower due to new controls and pump.
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