FY 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan
The proposed project would consist of a mill and overlay on 4th Street beginning at 5th Ave East and continuing west until the 900 block of W 4th Street. Resurfacing varies from 24' to 66' in width and the total length is 5,680 feet. 22-STR-001 4TH STREET HMA OVERLAY The overall condition of the road is in poor condition, however sections of this street have been replaced in the past few years with other construction projects. 4th Street is a major thoroughfare through the community and receives a high volume of traffic. The proposed project consists of the replacement of culverts at 11th Street SE and Woodland Avenue. In addition, there would be an HMA overlay on Woodland Avenue and Fairway Street. 23-STR-001 2023 RECONSTRUCTION Both of these streets are in poor condition and are n need of an overlay to prolong the life expectancy. These culverts are also undersized. The proposed project would consist of a HMA Overlay of the following streets: St. Luke Drive, 11th Ave SE and 12th Street SE. 23-STR-002 ST LUKE DRIVE OVERLAY These streets have a poor surface wand the overlay would extend their useful life before they would need a total reconstruction. Maintenance costs should decrease with a new surface on this street. There will be minimal impact to the budget due to this project.
Budget Impact:
Budget Impact:
Justification: Budget Impact:
The proposed project would consist of the following components: * East 4th Street - Sewer separation project (between 5th Ave E to 10th Ave E) * 6th Ave E - Sewer separation project * East 5th Street - Storm separation (between 5th Ave E to 10th Ave E)
The budget for the project shows the project as being a special assessment project, however, the City will plan on applying for a CDBG grant (if area qualifies) and a FAST Act funds. If successful, these grants would change the funding scenarios that are being presented.
The projects would continue the storm sewer / sanitary sewer separation program.
Justification: Budget Impact:
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