FY 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan
Capital Improvement Plan City of Spencer, Iowa PROJECT SUMMARIES
FY 20 FY 24 thru
This project will consist of cleaning and sealing reflective cracks and joints. The project is located at various locations around the City every year. 17-STR-001 ANNUAL CRACK SEALING PROGRAM
This process is an important preventive maintenance measure to extend the life of our existing pavement.
Justification: Budget Impact:
Minimal impact on future budgets.
With the passage of the Motor Fuel Tax increase by the State Legislature, the City has additional funds available for street maintenance. As a result, the City plans on utilizing some of these additional funds for patching PCC streets around the community. Areas will be determined on an annual basis based on the street conditions and perceived deterioration 17-STR-002 PCC PATCHING
By performing this preventative maintenance, the life expectancy of the street will increase.
Justification: Budget Impact:
There should be minimal impact on the budget due to this project.
These projects will consist of miscellaneous seal coating projects around town. Specific projects will be identified at the time the annual seal coating project is put together. 17-STR-003 MISCELLANEOUS SEAL COATING
Seal coating a street lengthens its life expectancy.
Justification: Budget Impact:
There should be minimal impact on the budget due to this project.
The proposed project consists of the reconstruction of portions of West 6th Street and 10th Avenue East. On West 6th Street, the project will go from 1st Avenue West to 2nd Avenue West and will incorporate the replacement of the sanitary sewer and installation of storm sewer. On 10th Avenue East, the project will go from East Park Street to E 4th Street. 20-STR-001 2019 RECONSTRUCTION The 10th Avenue East segment of the project is in need of replacement due to increased truck traffic which has caused damage to the street. The West 6th Street segment of the project is in need of a new sanitary sewer line as well as a new street surface. The proposed project will replace the control system for the city's traffic signals in the downtown area. This project twill include installation of new pole mounted controls for the 6 locations in downtown as well as new control systems at 8th Street and Grand and 4th Street SW and Grand. 21-STR-002 DOWNTOWN TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROLLERS The current system is out of date and repairs are becoming more frequent and parts are becoming harder to find. It is time to up date this system to a more modern system. The proposed project would extend storm sewer, prior to the FY22 HMA overlay. The storm sewer would be extended from the south side of W 4th Street at 2nd Ave W to 1st Ave W on the north side of W 4th Street. This will also include sidewalk improvements at 1st Ave. 21-STR-004 W 4TH ST STORM SEWER EXTENSION This work will be done prior to the overlay of 4th Ave to prevent future disruption to a newly overlayed street. There should be minimal impact on the budget due to this project. Maintenance should be reduced on a new system.
Budget Impact:
Budget Impact:
Justification: Budget Impact:
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