FY 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan
City of Spencer, Iowa
Sewer Enterprise Fund
Sewer Rate Adjustments
Growth Assumptions
1-Jul-16 1-Jul-17 1-Jul-18 1-Jul-19 1-Jul-20
4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00%
1-Jul-21 1-Jul-22 1-Jul-23 1-Jul-24 1-Jul-25
4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00%
Sewer Sales Growth Other O&M Expenses
(1.50%) 3.00% 0.85%
Interest Rate - Cash Balances
Audited Financials Projected FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 Unaduited Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected
$7.96 $4.15 $2.97 $11.25 326,612 $35.81
$8.28 $4.32 $3.09 $12.50 319,334 $38.06
$8.61 $4.49 $3.21 $13.75 307,226 $40.32
$8.95 $4.67 $3.34 $15.00 302,618 $42.63
$9.31 $4.86 $3.47 $16.25 298,079 $44.99
$9.69 $5.05 $3.61 $17.50 293,608 $47.39
$10.07 $5.25 $3.76 $18.75 289,204 $49.83
$10.48 $5.46 $3.91 $20.00 284,865 $52.33
$10.89 $5.68 $4.06 $20.00 280,592 $53.62
$11.33 $5.91 $4.22 $20.00 276,384 $54.96
$11.78 $6.14 $4.39 $20.00 272,238 $56.36
First 1,000 gallons per Month Next 49,000 gallons per Month Over 50,000 gallons per Month
1 2 3 4 5 6
CSI Charge
Subtotal Water Sales (1,000 Gallons) Monthly Bill @ 5,000 gallons Ave Revenue per 1,000 Gallons
OPERATING REVENUES Charges for Services Commercial Contracts
$1,419,018 $1,465,635 $1,470,775
$1,506,662 $1,543,425 $1,581,085 $1,619,663 $1,659,183 $1,699,667 $1,741,139 $1,783,623
8 9
554,631 634,100 15,000 64,468 69,040
620,426 712,770 36,000 105,329 139,278
460,161 783,833 20,000 105,999 70,060
440,000 855,090 25,000 100,000 52,500
440,000 926,348 25,000 100,000 52,500
440,000 997,605 25,000 100,000 52,500
440,000 1,068,863 25,000 100,000 52,500
440,000 1,140,120 25,000 100,000 52,500
440,000 1,140,120 25,000 100,000 52,500
440,000 1,140,120 25,000 100,000 52,500
440,000 1,140,120 25,000 100,000 52,500
CSI Charge Revenues
10 11 12 13
Farm Income - Olson Farm Land Leachate Disposal Charge
Misc. Revenue
Total Operating Revenues
14 $2,756,257 $3,079,439 $2,910,828 $2,979,252 $3,087,272 $3,196,190 $3,306,026 $3,416,803 $3,457,287 $3,498,759 $3,541,243
$235,456 37,059 35,474 5,309 839,959 28,000
$220,001 36,913 44,722 7,971 840,332 15,776
$215,767 10,555 40,514 6,013 842,197 15,953
$204,563 35,911 81,500 6,800 882,869 16,131
$210,700 36,988 83,945 7,004 909,355 16,615
$217,021 38,098 86,463 7,214 936,636 17,113
$223,532 39,241 89,057 7,431 964,735 17,627
$230,237 40,418 91,729 7,653 993,677 18,156
$251,587 44,166 100,235
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
41,631 94,481 7,883 18,700 4,637 11,593 75,480 31,300
42,880 97,315 8,120 19,261 4,776 11,941 77,745 32,239
Payroll Taxes
Repairs and Maintenance
Contract Services Insurance Premiums
19,839 4,919 12,299 80,077 33,207
1,954 3,702 49,824 26,100
2,819 12,968 59,419 26,100
2,892 2,970 71,285 26,238
4,000 10,000 65,110 27,000
4,120 10,300 67,063 27,810
4,244 10,609 69,075 28,644
4,371 10,927 71,147 29,504
4,502 11,255 73,282 30,389
Gas & Oil Supplies
Other Expenses Collection Fees
Total Operating Expense Net Operating Income BAB Credit Subsidy
25 $1,262,838 $1,267,020 $1,234,384 $1,333,884 $1,373,901 $1,415,118 $1,457,571 $1,501,298 $1,546,337 $1,592,727 $1,640,509 26 $1,493,419 $1,812,419 $1,676,444 $1,645,368 $1,713,372 $1,781,072 $1,848,454 $1,915,505 $1,910,950 $1,906,031 $1,900,733
65,145 39,207
62,153 46,793
59,323 50,940
48,304 27,000
45,522 37,419
42,656 41,322
39,697 45,132
36,637 46,757
33,476 51,718
30,213 55,385
26,850 60,398
28 29
Interest Income
Revenue Available for Debt Service
30 $1,597,772 $1,921,364 $1,786,707 $1,720,672 $1,796,313 $1,865,050 $1,933,283 $1,998,898 $1,996,144 $1,991,629 $1,987,981
Prepared by PFM Financial Advisors LLC
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Date: 12/21/2018
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