2017 Spencer Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Spencer, Iowa 2017 Comprehensive Plan
agency for Buena Vista, Clay, Dickinson and Emmet Counties. The Iowa Lakes Corridor invites all residents, employers and visitors to the area to experience all the activities the region has to offer. The glacial lakes region of Iowa boasts some of the most beautiful landscapes, along with offering a blend of commerce, leisure, culture, education and hospitality that will encourage visitors to stay.
Figure 32 - Map of the Iowa
Lakes Corridor Development Corp. service area
Map provided courtesy of: http://www.lakescorridor.com
The Iowa Lakes Corridor Development Corporation uses the strengths and opportunities of the four- county region to build collaborative efforts for the benefit of the whole. The Iowa Lakes Corridor Development has four primary focus areas for their goals and objectives; of which include 1) workforce, 2) housing & infrastructure, 3) business development, and 4) entrepreneurship. The overview of each of these focus areas and the way they are being measured in terms of performance for the corridor are as follows: 1) Workforce – Assure that employers have access to an adequate and well-trained workforce, with an emphasis on worker attraction/retention, worker training/skills, career education, and funding. Goals: • Attract and retain workers. • Satisfy employers and demand for worker training by identifying, coordinating, and creating new training partners, programs, and resources. • Assure access to employer-driven career information and training by working with secondary school boards, administrators, and staff. • Create a workforce development fund and leverage resources to supplement employer efforts in raising the education and skill level of the existing workforce and new workers in the community. 2) Housing/Infrastructure - Providing an infrastructure conducive to business development, with an emphasis on housing, transportation, communications, and volunteer/leader development. Goals:
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NW Iowa Planning & Development
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