2017 Spencer Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Spencer, Iowa 2017 Comprehensive Plan
Other forms of low impact development best practices include water gardens, green roofs, French drains, biorention cells, constructed wetlands, butterfly gardens, native turf, sustainable landscaping, green wall, and a dry well. OBJECTIVE 10. Encourage and promote the use of low impact development (LID) or best management practices such as green roofs, solar energy, bioswales, pervious paving materials or other green alternatives in new public and private developments.
Policy Recommendations to guide future low impact development decisions of the community using LID and best management practices include:
Policy 10.a. - Investigate options for implementing low impact development or best management practices within a demonstration site on city owned property.
Policy 10.b. - The city should consider changes to control ordinances such as the city’s zoning and subdivision regulations, design standards, historic preservation standards, and other building codes to encourage the utilization of low impact development practices. Policy 10.c. - Work with community partners, developers, and private landowners to inform the community on best management practices for containment of stormwater on site or into natural waterways.
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