2017 Spencer Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Spencer, Iowa 2017 Comprehensive Plan
SOIL QUALITY RESTORATION – Native soils have been significantly altered by farming practices and grading over many years. By restoring the soils with high organic matter content and porosity, this will allow the ground to absorb rainfall and not shed runoff. RAINWATER HARVESTING – The simplest form of rain harvesting is to install a rain barrel onto the downspout and collect the rain water. There are also more elaborate means to collect rooftop rainwater such as modern cisterns and bladder tanks. Harvested rainwater is intended for non-drinking water uses such as watering lawns or gardens. BIOSWALES – This form of low impact development is similar to a rain garden in its objective, but instead of a strategically placed depression to collect water, bioswales are a designed conveyance system to collect and move water in lieu of storm sewers. Bioswales improve water quality by filtering the first large push of storm water after a large rain event. RAIN GARDENS – Rain gardens are depressions within the landscape that are planted with flowers and native vegetation intended to collect and absorb excess stormwater. Rain gardens are strategically located to capture rain runoff from roofs or streets. Rain gardens will fill with a few inches of rain and then slowly absorb the water back into the ground, rather than directing it to a storm sewer.
Soil Quality Restoration - Source: http://northlibertyiowa.org
Bioswale constructed in a city park in Denison, Iowa
Above: Photo of a rain garden installed in the Arnolds Park Amusement Park in Arnolds Park, Iowa.
Right: A typical cross-section of a rain garden. Image source: arundelonthebay.org
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