2017 Spencer Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Spencer, Iowa 2017 Comprehensive Plan
(SUDAS). The four major functional classifications for urbanized areas are arterial streets, collector streets, local streets and private streets. These classifications are consistent with American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials (AASHTO). ARTERIAL STREETS 1. Major/Principal Arterial - The major/principal arterials serve major centers of activity in urbanized areas and carry a high proportion of total urban travel on a minimum of miles. 2. Minor Arterial - The non-primary arterial connects with and augments the principal arterial system. It accumulates trips of moderate length at a somewhat lower level of movement. COLLECTOR STREETS 1. Major Collector – Provides movement of traffic between arterial routes and minor collectors and, at lower speeds, collects traffic from local streets and residential and commercial areas. 2. Minor Collector - Provides movement of traffic between major collector routes and local streets as well as providing access to abutting property at low speeds.
LOCAL STREETS Local streets provide for movement of traffic between collector streets and residential/commercial areas.
PRIVATE STREETS Certain jurisdictions allow private streets in specific situations. Private streets are similar to the local streets but generally are located on dead-end roads, short loop streets, or frontage roads.
SPENCER EAST & WEST BELTWAYS The City of Spencer is fortunate to have a solid transportation network within the community and county supporting the vehicular and truck traffic entering and leaving Spencer. Aside from the two (2) U.S. Highways that intersect in Spencer (U.S. Highways 18 and 71), Spencer worked cooperatively with Clay County in making significant improvements to two local roads which are partially within the city limits of Spencer and also within the jurisdiction of the county. These roads are formally identified as County Highway M50 along the east side of Spencer and County Highway M44 bisecting the western edge of Spencer. Locally, these roads are known as the east and west Spencer Beltways. These major arterial routes through and near Spencer play a significant role in the movements of goods and persons to and through the city’s industrial parks located adjacent to both the east and west beltways. Additionally, the West Beltway in Spencer provides easy access to the city’s airport from U.S. Highways 18 and 71.
Figure 38 – Spencer Transportation Map – East and West Beltways
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