Spencer Riverfront Plan


We envision clean, free-flowing Iowa rivers teeming with life, surrounded by diverse landscapes, and connecting vibrant

The plan’s philosophy emerged from discussions with the people who know the area best - residents and businesses alike. • Define the big picture. The plan’s principle objective is to understanding the “big picture” of the riverfront area and the connections to surrounding areas. • Rediscover and activate the river. The river is a natural resource for recreation and habitat. • Stimulate private investments and entrepreneurship. Public investments should stimulate a private market response. Strategic improvements will help the district stimulate a renewed interest in the area. • Attract new customers, businesses, and residents. Customers are attracted to programs and activities that offer things to do and places to be. • As the community plans more activities and things to do, people will come to visit the area. Continued investment, and reinvestment, around the heart of the city - Spencer’s downtown - will draw people to spend their money in the area or possibly attract people to move to the city. • Celebrate the community’s values and assets. The river was here first, then the people. The space is prominently seen by travelers, and should tease them to pull over and explore. • Create a destination and new memories. The river is unique to Spencer. The district should become a space for people to be compelled to visit and revisit, and tell their friends.

Spencerhasastronghistoryofcommitmentfromitspeopleandleadersandcontinually reinvestintheircity. SpencerbecameoneoftheStateofIowa’sfirstcertifiedBlueZones Community in an effort to making a healthier Iowa. The numerous accomplishments frompast planning efforts have resulted in dividends for improving the overall quality oflifeforthecity’sresidents,includingatrailsplans,completestreetsstudy,saferoutes to school program, and rails-to-trails project. The Little Sioux River is a tremendous asset for the City of Spencer. Like other communities, Spencer developed near the river and began to slowly see the river as a resource that separated the city into parts. Spencer, like many other cities, is increasingly seeing the river as a economic development and cultural resource.


The purpose of the City of Spencer’s Riverfront Plan is to “create a highly visible and vibrant riverfront district along the Little Sioux River in downtown.” The initial objective of the study was to explore opportunities for “high-density, mixed-use space containing residential, retail, commercial and public parks that create a mix of active uses and capitalize on the riverfront.” The plan’s strategy is to enhance the use of the river and develop the riverfront as a community center and gathering spot.

communities. Molly Hanson, Executive Director Iowa Rivers Revival, 2017



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