Financial Policy Handbook 2017
b. In the event a charge is in one month, and a credit is received in the next billing cycle, the cardholder must include a Cardholder Disputed Item Form for the current billing cycle to explain the situation. c. Attach a copy of the dispute form to the statement. d. The cardholder is responsible to pursue the resolution with the assistance of his or her department director. If the dispute is not resolved, the cardholder shall provide the Finance Director with a log of his or her efforts to resolve the dispute. Updated reports will be filed monthly until the dispute is resolved. e. If an item was returned to the vendor, but the credit is not received during the same billing cycle as the charge, the item must be expenses to the department during the current period; the charge should be reversed when the credit appears. SECTION 10 - PROGRAM VIOLATIONS 1. Unallowable Purchases: The payment administrator shall report all unallowable purchases to the program administrator. 2. Unacceptable Documentation: Cardholders will provide additional documentation upon notification to do so by the payment administrator. 3. Late submission of purchasing card reconciliation documents and/or failure to resolve disputes. 4. Consequences for unallowable purchases, unacceptable documentation, late submission of transaction/reconciliation documents, and/or failure to resolve disputes shall be as follows: a. First Offense: A written notification will be issued to the cardholder indicating the violation. Upon receipts of such notification, the cardholder will provide a written statement of explanation. b. Second Offense: The account will be suspended (closed) for thirty calendar days and the cardholder’s department director will be notified. c. Third Offense: The account will be closed and the cardholder’s department director will be notified. The cardholder will not be eligible to participate in the program for one year. If a program violation occurs after reinstatement under this provision, the account will be permanently closed.
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