Financial Policy Handbook 2017
a. Cash advance. b. Purchase of alcoholic beverages, except for resale at the Spencer Municipal Golf Course concessions. c. Travel-related expenses related to spouses or other non-covered persons. d. Video rentals or “On Your Honor” bar purchases provided in hotel rooms e. Items for personal use that would not be reimbursable by the City. f. Rental or lease of land or buildings. g. Rental or lease of motor vehicles, unless pre-approved in conjunction with travel expenses. h. For purchases at businesses where the City already has or can obtain an in-house charge account. 2. The City purchasing card shall not be used for personal identification or as a personal credit reference. 3. Personal expenses processed on a City purchasing card are considered in violation of the program policies and are subject to disciplinary action up to cardholder termination. Transaction receipts may not be divided to allow for a different method of payment for personal expenses; each transaction shall have a separate receipt showing the total transaction amount. In the event that a Personal purchase has been made with a City Credit Card, the employee shall reimburse the City immediately for the transaction amount. SECTION 7 - USE OF CARD AND TRANSACTION RECORDS 1. Receipts and Invoices: An itemized receipt or invoice from the vendor, or other verifying document must support each purchase transaction. The receipts will be subject to audit, so an independent person should be able to tell exactly what was purchased without verbal explanation. 2. Internet Transactions: Cardholders shall confirm the security of proposed internet order sites prior to placement of orders. A receipt detailing the merchandise price, sales/use tax, freight, etc. must be included with the goods mailed/shipped. 3. Conference , Training, and Travel Transactions: Cardholders shall confirm budget approval prior to using cards for conference, training, or travel expenses.
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