Financial Policy Handbook 2017
4. Public expenditures for appropriate Spencer employee and volunteer recognition programs serve a public purpose because formally recognizing employees and volunteers who make significant contributions and demonstrate their commitment during the performance of their duties result in higher morale and productivity among all Spencer employees and volunteers, and therefore help the City to fulfill its responsibilities efficiently and more cost effectively. 5. Public expenditures for food and refreshments associated with official Spencer City functions serve a public purpose when the provision of food or refreshments is an integral part of the function and is deemed necessary to ensure meaningful participation by the participants. 6. Public expenditures for appropriate community and customer outreach and similar activities serve a public purpose when those expenditures are necessary for Spencer to ensure the efficient operation of its programs/services, promote the availability and use of City resources, and promote coordinated, cooperative planning activities among and between the public and private sectors. SECTION 4 - SPECIFIC PROGRAMS AND EXPENDITURES Every City of Spencer expenditure must be valid based upon the public purpose for which it is purchased. The following items are deemed to meet the Council definition of public purpose expenditure. 1. Employee Recognition and Engagement Programs The Spencer City Council recognizes the hard work and service performed by the employees of the City through a formal Employee Recognition Program. The City Council believes the benefits of attracting, retaining and motivating employees through an Employee Recognition Program support employee job satisfaction, which in turn impacts cooperation and productivity. The result is to provide excellent public and customer service to better serve the interests of the citizens of the community. Any expenditure made pursuant to the Employee Recognition Program must be budgeted and approved by the City Manager. The Program may include: a. City logo attire, regardless of whether department specific. b. Annually, the City may sponsor an Employee Recognition, Holiday Party or other annual employee event for City employees.
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