FY 2020 Budget
Budget Impact: The Planning Department's main priority is to ensure that construction and renovations are completed in compliance with all applicable codes. The correct application of these codes makes sure that these projects will provide a safe environment for people to live and work in. The overall number of projects varies each year, but as building projects become more complex and larger, the time it takes to complete each inspection increases. Demands from the public for services provided by the Planning Department are increasing. This includes conversations about building a deck or fence to a new house or commercial operations. This also includes time to enforce the city's nuisance ordinance from tall grass, uncleaned snow from sidewalks or junk in a yard. The budget contained herein provides for the addition of a new full-time position. This hiring will bring the Department to three full-time employees, while eliminating the part-time seasonal position. Once the reorganization of the Department has been completed, there will be a Planning Director, Building Code Official and Nuisance Abatement Official. The Planning Department is the only department within the city that does not have a dedicated reserve fund for any future capital needs, such as new GPS equipment or plotters. Since these needs are not on a continual basis, it has been the city's policy to fund these projects as they arise out of other funds that are dedicated for capital projects.
Future Concerns:
With a coming retirement as the end of Fiscal Year 2019, the City will be looking to replace the Planning Director and add a Nuisance Abatement Officer. Finding qualified individuals to fill these roles may be difficult given the wide array of knowledge that is needed to perform the job. Knowledge in plumbing, electrical and buildings code as well as zoning ordinances may be hard to find without the need for extensive training.
Percent of General Fund Expenditures (net transfers)
Actual 16/17 Actual 17/18 Budget 18/19 Budget 19/20
Planning Department 4%
Number of Employees (FTEs)
Part Time
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