FY 2020 Budget
Budget Impact:
The budget for the golf course remains pretty stable. Rates for the course in Fiscal Year 2020 will remain unchanged. Maintenance and operation of the course does not fluctuate greatly from year to year. No major changes in the operations of the golf course are included in the budget. In an effort to provide funds for the ongoing replacement of equipment, the budget does re-instate transfers from the Hotel-Motel tax fund to the golf course reserve fund. These transfers will allow for the accumulation of funds to replace equipment in future years.
Future Concerns:
Several concerns will face the course in the coming years. Golf participation nation wide is in decline, therefore the potential for budget deficits is a possibility. Currently, the course is able to meet annual operating expenditures, but has little room to place cash aside for future capital needs. In the past the City Council has authorized Hotel/Motel receipts to be utilized for capital purchases. As mentioned above, these transfers will be re-instated in Fiscal Year 2020. The other concern can be mother nature herself. Weather can affect the opening or closing date of the course, which in turn can affect revenue. A wet and cold spring will delay the opening of the course, whereas an early winter will hasten the course's closure. The past two seasons have taken a toll on the operating reserve balance for the golf course.
Percent of Proprietary Expenditures (net transfers)
Actual 16/17 Actual 17/18 Budget 18/19 Budget 19/20
Golf Course 7%
Number of Employees (FTEs)
Part Time Employees
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