FY 2020 Budget
Budget Impact:
The Regional Collection Center (RCC) is considered an operating division of the landfill, however since it has its own budget and staff, additional budgetary information is provided. Pursuant to state regulations, the RCC must accept hazardous waste from residential generators free of charge. Small businesses may bring their hazardous waste to the RCC, if they qualify as a small generator, for a fee. The only item that the RCC charges residential customers for the disposal of is latex paint, since it is considered not a hazardous material. The city does receive some reimbursement from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to cover some of the disposal costs. At the end of the year, any shortfall in the budget is covered by a transfer from the Landfill operating fund. As part of the Landfill EMS program, the RCC has set a goal of increasing the number of participants and the amount of waste received. This is done by conducting mobile collection events throughout the entire planning area. These events are free to the communities to host. The budget presented continues to allow the RCC to work on increasing the traffic through the facility and through mobile events. There are no current plans to add any staff part from the one part-time staff that operates the facility for nine months. In the winter months, the facility is closed, except by appointment. In those cases, Solid Waste Department employees accept and process the waste received.
Future Concerns:
When the current operator of the facility decides to retire, it will prove difficult to find a replacement. The amount of training and continuing education needed to perform these duties is intense. At the time that the opening occurs, the city will have to decide on how best to fill the vacancy.
Percent of Proprietary Expenditures (net transfers)
Regional Collection Center 1%
Actual 16/17 Actual 17/18 Budget 18/19 Budget 19/20
Number of Employees (FTEs)
Part Time Employees
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