FY 2020 Budget
Budget Impact:
The presented budget includes a rate increase of 3% at the landfill. This will be year three of a three year rate structure that includes a 3% annual increases to disposal rates. The landfill continues to expand and the budget contemplates the construction of another disposal cell. Annually, the city places money aside for future cell construction. This is done so that the landfill does not have to bond for future expansion projects. The landfill is required by state law to have enough money in reserve funds for post-closure and cell closure activities. This budget continues the practice on ensuring that these funds are fully funded in accordance with state law. The budget herein provides for the continued strong financial position of the landfill. This budget does not include any new staff at the landfill.
Future Concerns:
There are currently no future concerns with the landfill. The City has worked hard to turn the landfill around from when it was purchased by the city. Early on in its operation, the city issued several million dollars of debt to ensure that the state mandated reserve funds were fully funded as well as refunded other long term debt. In the current fiscal year, the city was able to pre-pay the final outstanding debt, meaning that all landfill debt was retired early. It is the goal of the City Council and management that the landfill will never have to issue debt for ongoing operations again. As with other departments, the landfill could see employees eligible for retirement in the next five years. If and when they do retire, finding qualified landfill operators may prove difficult.
Percent of Proprietary Expenditures (net transfers)
Actual 16/17 Actual 17/18 Budget 18/19 Budget 19/20
Landfill 20%
Number of Employees (FTEs)
Part Time Employees
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