FY 2020 Budget

Budget Impact: Administration serves as the central hub for all activity at the city. From preparing the agendas and minutes for board and commission meetings, processing payroll and insurance enrollments, billing customers and collecting payments, Administration serves all departments. The implementation of technology over the past serval years has changed the way the city interacts with its employees and citizens. Technology has allowed the city to distribute the agendas to the council more efficiently, distribute information to our employees more effectively and allow citizens to engage the city at their convenience. The budget presented herein maintains the status quo for Administration, but still allows the department to provide the service to the citizens and other departments. No new staff positions have been created with this budget. Also included in the overall Administration budget shown above, but displayed as separate budgetary departments are expenses related to municipal elections and general legal services. Legal services for General Fund Departments are generally expensed out of this budget, while the Proprietary funds are billed for their legal expenses. The only General Fund department that is billed for legal is the Planning Department and this is done as part of the city's nuisance program and to better track legal expenses related to the Planning Department.

Future Concerns:

Within the next several years, the department could see at least one retirement and the need to find qualified individual to hire could prove difficult.


Percent of General Fund Expenditures (net transfers)





Actual 16/17 Actual 17/18 Budget 18/19 Budget 19/20

Administration 9%

Number of Employees (FTEs)


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