FY 2020 Budget
Budget Impact: The current facility opened to the public in 1997 and since that time the city has contracted with the Spencer Family YMCA for the day to day operation of the facility as well as to supply lifeguards. The staff provided by the city consists of six seasonal employees who are responsible for maintenance of the facility as well as the admissions. The contract with the YMCA is the primary reason why personnel costs at the facility are low. As with the 2018 season, the 2019 season is scheduled to extend until the weekend before school starts. However, the hours the facility are open after the first weekend in August until the time of closing will be reduced. This is done due to lifeguards returning to school and school activities. In the 2018 operating season, the City took over concession stand operations at the facility at the last minute. The City was able to incorporate the operation and staffing of the concession stand into the operating agreement with he Spencer Family YMCA and reimburses the YMCA for all staffing expenses. The City purchases all concession products directly. As with past years, the Aquatic Center budget relies on large general fund subsidies to meet its expenditures.
Future Concerns:
As with other 20+ year old facility, maintenance costs continue to rise. Another concern is that attendance at the facility continues to decrease year after year. When the city's facility opened, there was not the competition from area communities, since then at least two additional facilities have opened in the area which offer more amenities. The Park Board commissioned a facility update study to investigate the costs associated with updating the facility. To date, the recommendations outlined in the plan have not been included in future capital plans of the city.
Percent of General Fund Expenditures (net transfers)
Actual 16/17 Actual 17/18 Budget 18/19 Budget 19/20
Aquatic Center 2%
Number of Employees (FTEs)
Part Time
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