FY 2020 Budget
Budget Impact: It takes a lot to maintain the facilities and grounds for one of the largest property owners in Spencer - the city. The Parks Department maintains all of the city's park facility and grounds with a full-time staff of two and 15 seasonal staff. In addition to the routine mowing, field preparation, park shelter maintenance, snow plowing of trails, and maintenance of the downtown planters, the Parks Department also oversaw several park improvement projects in the current fiscal year. These include the expansion of the trail system, park improvements throughout many of the parks and preparing for the future of the park system through an update to the Master Park and Trail plans. All of these projects assist in making the city of Spencer Park system better for residents and visitors alike. The budget contained herein allows for the Parks Department to continue to maintain the park system. The budget is status quo and does not contain any new staff positions, either full-time or part-time.
Future Concerns:
As with other departments within the city, the Parks Department may experience retirements in the coming five years. Finding qualified employees may be difficult given the tight labor market and desired qualifications. Another concern is the age of the city's trail system. The earliest trial projects are close to 20 years old and additional maintenance will be required to ensure that these trails are available for future residents. The Parks Department also relies heavenly on Local Option Sales Tax and grants for many of its projects. If either of these sources of revenue sees a decline, future projects may be delayed.
Percent of General Fund Expenditures (net transfers)
Actual 16/17 Actual 17/18 Budget 18/19 Budget 19/20
Parks 8%
Number of Employees (FTEs)
Part Time
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