FY 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan
The proposed project would make repairs to the existing gravel roads in Stolley Park and the Leach Park Campground. 19-PARK-007 STOLLEY / CAMPGROUND ROAD MAINT
Description: Justification: Budget Impact:
Due to wear and tear, the roads need an adequate base to withstand the traffic of the parks.
The proposed project will replace the landscaping in the Menards boulevard area.
Description: Justification: Budget Impact:
Due to die back and removal of taller plant material, the plant material is needed to landscape the boulevards.
The proposed project will renovate the restroom facilities at West Leach Park. The current restroom facilities are in need of renovation due to age and vandalism.
Description: Justification: Budget Impact:
The project will have minimal impact on the budget.
The proposed project would replace the heating unit at the Spencer Aquatic Center. 20-PARK002 POOL HEATER REPLACEMENT
Description: Justification: Budget Impact:
The current pool heater is warrantied for seven years which is the amount of time that the heater has been installed.
The proposed project would develop a plan for canoe ramps at West Leach Park, Leach Park Campground and Stolley Park. 20-PARK-003 LITTLE SIOUX RIVER CANOE RAMP PLAN The City has placed an renewed interest into improving the river access and use of the natural resources that are found in the community. This plan would be a step to allow additional recreational opportunities to be developed within the Little Sioux River corridor.
Description: Justification:
Budget Impact:
The proposed project would purchase and install four park benches for the Riverfront walk and viewing area. 20-PARK-004 RIVERFRONT BENCHES The benches that were in place were removed at the time of construction with the intent to purchase new benches at a later date.
Description: Justification: Budget Impact:
The proposed project would replace the line fence on the 3rd baseline for field #1. 20-PARK-005 PEDERSON PARK LINE FENCE The current fence is 40 plus years old and is rusting. The fence posts are also compromised.
Description: Justification: Budget Impact:
The proposed project will purchase a quick attach sweeper and loader for the department's current tractor. This equipment will assist in maintain the trails and other park property. 20-PARK-006 LOADER / SWEEPER
The existing brooms on the sweeper are antiquated and often un-safe.
Justification: Budget Impact:
The proposed project will update the current Park and Recreation plan for the City of Spencer which was created in 2000. The plan will include san update tot the city's trail plan as well. 21-PARK-001 PARK AND RECREATION PLAN UPDATE The plan provides an approach for the development and expansion of the City's park and trail system. The development of the plan includes comments and input from the general public, the Council, Park Board and city staff.
There is minimal impact on the budget with this project.
Budget Impact:
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