FY 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan
Capital Improvement Plan City of Spencer, Iowa PROJECT SUMMARIES
FY 20 FY 24 thru
The proposed project would install litter control fencing around the landfill. The installation of the fencing would improve litter control at the landfill. There would be minimal impact on the budget with this project.
Description: Justification: Budget Impact:
The proposed project consist of the planning, development and construction of a new cell for collection of waste and materials brought to the landfill. 14-LF-001 LANDFILL CELL DEVELOPMENT
This is an ongoing project as each cell has an estimated useful life of three years.
Justification: Budget Impact:
There will continued impact on the budget as the City will need to ensure that adequate revenues are available to continue to build a new cell approximately every three years.
The proposed project will purchase a standard cab, 3/4 ton pickup truck
Description: Justification: Budget Impact:
The purchase would replace the 1993 Blazer that is currently being used by the department.
The proposed project would construct a hoop building on steel frame for the storage of the Al-Jon close to the working face of the landfill. 20-LF-003 PORTABLE HOOP STORAGE BUILDING
This would keep the unit out of the elements during off hours, and help improve operator safety.
Justification: Budget Impact:
The proposed project would consist of the construction of an addition to the existing shop building. 21-LF-001 SHOP ADDITION
Description: Justification:
The purpose of the project tis to improve shop efficiency for projects. At the time the current building was built, the City was under tight budget constraints and built a building that the budget would allow. Completion of the project would have minimal impact on the budget. Utility costs might increase slightly due to the nature of additional square footage being heated and lighted. The proposed project would purchase a new tanker trailer for the hauling of leachate from the landfill to the wastewater treatment plant. 21-LF-002 LEACHATE TANKER The current trailer will need to be replaced. It will be kept by the City for use on a temporary basis or in times when additional hauling capacity is needed.
Budget Impact:
Budget Impact:
The proposed project will be sent back to the factory for a complete refurbishment and rebuild of all components, wiring and a new paint job. 22-LF-001 AL-JON REFURBISHMENT
This preventative work should help extend the overall life of the machine.
Justification: Budget Impact:
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