FY 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan
Capital Improvement Plan City of Spencer, Iowa PROJECT SUMMARIES
FY 20 FY 24 thru
The proposed project consists of replacing the department's bunker gear in a timely manner. 13-FIRE-001 BUNKER GEAR REPLACEMENT
Description: Justification:
As the Department engages in activities, bunker gear can wear out due to use. The project ensures that all bunker gear used by the Department is in good working order.
There will be minimal impact to the budget.
Budget Impact:
The proposed project consists of replacing SCBA units on a rotating schedule. These units supply breathing air to firefighters while in full protective gear. 14-FIRE-002 UPGRADE SCBA TANKS
Department of Transportation regulations limit the tank life of these units to 20 years of use.
Justification: Budget Impact:
There will be minimal impact on the budget.
The proposed project would replace the department's hand held radio units. The current radios in use are from 1995 and are out of date and in need of replacement.
Description: Justification: Budget Impact:
The proposed project would replace the 1988 van with a used unit.
Description: Justification: Budget Impact:
The current vehicle is a 1988 model year and has reached its useful life as an emergency vehicle.
The proposed project is to purchase a trench rescue air shore kit. This kit will contain equipment that will be useful on the scene of a trench rescue, building collapse, or confined space rescue. This type of equipment will lend itself to other needs of service as well. 23-FIRE-001 TRENCH RESCUE AIR SHORING At this time there are no air shores in the Fire Department. Should the need arise for a rescue or recovery, the Fire Department would have to call a private service for assistance. The proposed project would replace an outdated fire engine with a new unit with larger capacity. This unit will also lend itself to help maintain and improve the City' ISO rating. 23-FIRE-002 REPLACE PUMPER UNIT 992 At this time the current unit was purchase in 1989 and will be 35 years old at the time of replacement. Per NFPA Standards, we would be about 15 years past the time to replace. Currently, the unit still runs and passes the pump tests.
Budget Impact:
Budget Impact:
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