FY 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan
Capital Improvement Plan City of Spencer, Iowa PROJECT SUMMARIES
FY 20 FY 24 thru
This project will install a new columbarium at Riverside Cemetery. This project is in accordance with the Columbarium Master Plan. 09-CEM-001 CONSTRUCT NEW COLUMBARIUM
Once completed, this project will provide additional alternatives to traditional burial spaces.
Justification: Budget Impact:
Sales of columbarium units are placed in the Columbarium reserve. The project will be constructed on an as needed basis.
This project is a multi-year project and will replace mower units #2,6,3,1 & 5 over the next few years. The replacement of these units is in accordance with the equipment replacement schedule. 14-CEM-001 MOWER REPLACEMENT Mowing equipment need to be replaced on a regular basis to provide reliable units to maintain the City's cemeteries. The proposed project will include the purchase of a mini-excavator. The equipment would be utilized in the Cemetery division to open graves and the Park division to accomplish minor excavations such as water lines. The piece of equipment will be jointly funded by the Cemetery and Park reserve funds and will be shared between the two divisions. 21-CEM-001 MINI EXCAVATOR The grave digger at the Cemetery is approaching 20 years of use and is no longer available on the market. Parts are becoming scarce for needed repairs. The mini excavator will be a more efficient piece of equipment to use for digging graves and will be easier to operate. By keeping current on mowers, this may reduce maintenance costs and down time.
Justification: Budget Impact:
Budget Impact:
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