FY 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan
Capital Improvement Plan City of Spencer, Iowa PROJECT SUMMARIES
FY 20 FY 24 thru
Streets - Equipment
The proposed project will replace the current 2000 International plow truck with a new single axle plow truck. Included with the purchase will be a new dump body, plow and sander unit. 13-STEQ-001 PLOW TRUCK / DUMP BODY The 2016 project will replace a 2000 International plow truck, which at the time of replacement, will be 16 years old. The 2018 project will replace a 2000 International plow truck, which at the time of replacement, will be 18 years old. The proposed project will replace the existing A-frame concrete screed. This piece of equipment is used by the Department when they are finishing installation of new concrete sidewalks, or street patches. 17-STEQ-002 CONCRETE SCREED The current unit was purchased used and has worn out. It will not hold the concrete profile correctly any more and needs to be replaced. Maintenance costs should be lower with a newer vehicle.
Budget Impact:
The completion of this project should have minimal impact on the budget.
Budget Impact:
The proposed project would purchase and install an underbody scrapper to be mounted on Truck #11. 20-STEQ-001 UNDERBODY SCRAPPER An underbody scrapper provides mechanical downforce to scrape snow and ice form the street surface.
Description: Justification: Budget Impact:
The proposed project would purchase a new heavy equipment scanner.
Description: Justification: Budget Impact:
The scanner would be able to perform troubleshooting and allow for greater maintenance on heavy trucks and equipment.
The proposed project consists of the purchase of a new snow blower that mounts on the end loader. 20-STEQ-003 SNOW BLOWER REPLACEMENT
Description: Justification:
The current blower being used by the Department is a 1989 model year and has reached an age where parts are difficult to find. At the time of replacement, the current blower will be 30 years old.
Maintenance costs could be lower due to new equipment.
Budget Impact:
The proposed project will consist of replacing the 1999 Case tractor that is used for mowing right of ways and ditches. 21-STEQ-001 MOWING TRACTOR REPLACEMENT The current tractor is a 1999 model year and will be 21 years old at the time of replacement. The Project is currently under consideration for replacement in 2021.
Description: Justification:
This project will have minimal impact on the budget.
Budget Impact:
The proposed project will replace the current boom mower with a new piece of equipment. This purchase will coincide with the purchase of a new tractor. 21-STEQ-002 ARM MOWER REPLACEMENT
The current unit was purchased in 199 and will be in need of replacement. Maintenance costs should decrease with the purchase of a new piece of equipment.
Justification: Budget Impact:
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