FY 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan
Capital Improvement Plan City of Spencer, Iowa
thru FY 20 FY 24
Department Streets
Contact Public Works Director
Type Improvement
Project #
Useful Life 30 Years
Project Name 2019 RECONSTRUCTION
Category Street Reconstruction
Priority 5 - On-Going
Description The proposed project consists of the reconstruction of portions of West 6th Street and 10th Avenue East. On West 6th Street, the project will go from 1st Avenue West to 2nd Avenue West and will incorporate the replacement of the sanitary sewer and installation of storm sewer. On 10th Avenue East, the project will go from East Park Street to E 4th Street. Justification The 10th Avenue East segment of the project is in need of replacement due to increased truck traffic which has caused damage to the street. The West 6th Street segment of the project is in need of a new sanitary sewer line as well as a new street surface. Total Project Cost: $884,000
Expenditures Planning/Design
FY 20
FY 21
FY 22
FY 23
FY 24
148,000 736,000 884,000
148,000 736,000 884,000
Funding Sources
FY 20
FY 21
FY 22
FY 23
FY 24
64,966 257,675 120,325 45,767 395,267 884,000
64,966 257,675 120,325 45,767 395,267 884,000
Sewer Reserve
Special Assessments
Spencer Municipal Utilities
Storm Sewer Reserve
Street Improvement Reserve
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