FY 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan
Capital Improvement Plan City of Spencer, Iowa PROJECT SUMMARIES
FY 20 FY 24 thru
This project will replace the current in-car cameras with new equipment and a new system. 06-PD-001 IN CAR CAMERA SYSTEM
Description: Justification:
This is the most important tool any agency could want. It eliminates much of the court time, protects the officers against any false allegations and allows administration to ensure Departmental policy is being adhered to. The move to the old SMU building in 2014 will be a big step in the camera system as it will need to be replaced as a whole system, and not piece meal as we have been doing for the last 10 years. The current system is functional, however, several of the car's camera's have exceeded their lifespan and are being sent in for maintenance more than they should. There will be no more camera purchases prior to the move and it is doubtful that the current system ill be purchased again as we have had issues with eh company regarding repairs and contracts. There are seven cameras involved, and should be replaced when the move is made. There will be some forfeiture money available, and hopefully some sate STEP grant money to help offset the cost. The large expense will be the purchase of a computer server and separate wireless hotspot so that the data on the camera system is automatically downloaded when the cars enter the garage bay. This is a multi-year project in which up to two vehicles are replaced each year. There will be a year, now and then, where only one vehicle gets replaced due to not enough miles put on the vehicle to justify replacement. 12-PD-001 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT There is a scheduled replacement of the vehicles used by the Department. The rotation is that two vehicles are replaced each year, with the exception of the K-9 vehicle (which is driven by only one officer and has a longer life expectancy) and the unmarked investigator vehicles. The vehicles are usually handed down to various city departments as needed since maintenance is excellent and the vehicle still have some useful city life in them. They are then auctioned off. $50,000 is budgeted each year for vehicle replacement. Vehicles are purchased thru a bidding process in which the state bid is the starting point and the area dealers cannot exceed 10% of the state bid price. The unmarked vehicle is generally an off the lot "used" vehicle as it is not used for routine patrol purposes. This a an ongoing project to replace the in car computers as they become out dated and/or in need of replacement due to wear and tear. 12-PD-002 IN CAR COMPUTER REPLACEMENT Currently, all of the squads are equipped with laptops, each capable of GPS location, access to the Departments main server and DOT system for driver license checks and warrants. The State of Iowa is mandating a paperless citation system, which is already in use is some counties. When Clay County indicates that they are ready, we will have to update the system with FedEx style ticket books and printers. This could occur within the next 12 months. The Computers have an expected lifespan of four years, however the operating conditions that they are expected to survive in could shorten that lifespan. The proposed project consists of replacing the current body armor with new. The is a piece of mandatory safety equipment that is worn by all officers. 14-PD-001 BODY ARMOR The department currently supplies body armor to all officers. Body armor has a useful life of 5 years and the current body armor will expire in FY 19.
Budget Impact:
Budget Impact:
Budget Impact:
Completion of this project will have minimal impact on the budget.
Budget Impact:
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