FY 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan
Capital Improvement Plan City of Spencer, Iowa PROJECT SUMMARIES
FY 20 FY 24 thru
The proposed project would replace the vehicle currently being driven by the Planning Director with a new SUV. 18-PLAN-001 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT The current vehicle was acquired from the Police Department after it was removed from patrol duty. It has served the Planning Department well for the past, but its age has begun to show and is in need of replacement. The operating budget vehicle maintenance could be reduced due to a newer vehicle being added to the Department. The proposed project would consist of the purchase of a new plotter for the Planning Department to use to print maps and other materials. 20-PLAN-001 PLOTTER REPLACEMENT The current plotter was purchased in 2011 and is used by all departments for printing needs. The computer component of the unit failed and was replaced in 2016.
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