FY 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Plan

Capital Improvement Plan City of Spencer, Iowa PROJECT SUMMARIES

FY 19 FY 23 thru


The proposed project consists of repairs and improvements to the main terminal building at the airport. The repairs would include roof repairs, tuck pointing of the building and other minor improvements. 19-AIR-001 TERMINAL BUILDING REHABILITATION


The building is beginning to show its age and is need of minor repairs to improve its life span.

Justification: Budget Impact:

Building maintenance costs should be lowered.

The proposed project will update the Airport Master Plan. The current plan is from 2008. This project does not anticipate creating a whole new plan, just making updates to outdated information in the current plan. 19-AIR-002 AIRPORT MASTER PLAN UPDATE A current master plan is required by the State of Iowa and the FAA to be eligible to funding of capital projects. The majority of the projects in the current plan have been completed. The proposed project would install outdoor security cameras around the airport terminal building, the apron area and the fueling facility. The project will be included with the Terminal Rehabilitation project. 19-AIR-003 SECURITY CAMERAS The project is designed to improve the security of the entire facility. With the removal of the house and onsite staffing, installing security cameras will allow observation at times when no one is present at the facility. There will be minimal impact on the budget as a result of this project.



Budget Impact:



Budget Impact:

The proposed project would remove the wood framed interior offices in the conventional hangar complex. 21-AIR-001 REHAB CONVENTIONAL HANGAR

Description: Justification:

Unused interior wood-framed offices and storage rooms increase fire potential and invite mixed use that could trigger a building code violation. The removal of these unusable spaces will eliminate these problems and create more space for aviation use. In addition, this work will facilitate the construction of a fire separation wall in the future. This project will also include an integrated fire alarm system.

Budget Impact:

The proposed project will remove the old joint sealing material and re-seal joints. The work will be conducted on the runways and taxiways, although the specific areas have not been determined at this time. 22-AIR-001 PAVEMENT JOINT REHAB


This work will help extend the life of the pavement.

Justification: Budget Impact:

The proposed project would construct a fire separation wall in the conventional hangar complex. 22-AIR-002 REHAB HANGAR FIRE WALL To increase fire protection of the multiple users and spaces within the large hangar complex at the airport.

Description: Justification: Budget Impact:

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