FY 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Plan

Capital Improvement Plan City of Spencer, Iowa

thru FY 19 FY 23

Department Streets - Equipment

Contact Public Works Director

Type Equipment


Project #

Useful Life 15 Years

Project Name 1 TON DUMP TRUCK

Category Equipment: Vehicles

Priority 2 - Essential

Total Project Cost: $40,000

Description The proposed project would purchase a new 1 ton truck chassis with a dump body.

Justification The project would replace a 1993 Ford 1 ton. At the time of replacement, the current piece of equipment will be 26 years old and will be in need of being replaced.



FY 19

FY 20

FY 21

FY 22

FY 23

40,000 40,000

40,000 40,000



Funding Sources PW Equipment Reserve


FY 19

FY 20

FY 21

FY 22

FY 23

40,000 40,000

40,000 40,000


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