FY 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Plan

Capital Improvement Plan City of Spencer, Iowa PROJECT SUMMARIES

FY 19 FY 23 thru

Safe Routes to School

The proposed project will purchase and install speed indicator signs near the schools in two phases. Phase I includes Lincoln schools and the Middle School. Phase II includes Fairview and Johnson schools. 17-SRTS-001 SPEED INDICATOR SIGNS The proposed project is to increase awareness of driver's speed near school zones as well as to improve pedestrian safety.


Justification: Budget Impact:

There will be minimal impact on the budget due to this project.

The proposed project will construct a pedestrian crossing at the intersection of 18th Street and Highway Boulevard (near Car- Go-Express). 19-SRTS-001 HIGHWAY BLVD / 18TH STREET CROSSING


The project will improve pedestrian safety in conjunction with the 18th Street trail project.

Justification: Budget Impact:

There will be minimal impact on the budget due to this project.

The proposed project will construct a pedestrian crossing at the intersection of 1th Street SW (Hwy 18/71) and 4th Avenue SW (Wal-Mart corner). The project will also install sidewalk from 11th Street SW to 13th Street SW. 19-SRTS-002 11TH ST SW / 4TH AVE SW CROSSING The project will improve pedestrian safety in that area as it develops with more residential housing. The sidewalk will provide access to the planned trial along 4th Avenue SW and will connect in with the sidewalk on 13th Street SW that comes from the Gateway by IGL subdivision and the CHI apartment complex.



There will be minimal impact on the budget due to this project.

Budget Impact:

The proposed project will consist of the purchase and installation of new pedestrian cross walk signal equipment at E 18th Street and 5th Ave E crossing. 19-SRTS-003 PEDESTRIAN CROSSING IMPROVEMENTS


The current equipment is out of date and needs to be replaced for reliable operation.

Justification: Budget Impact:

The proposed project will improve the pedestrian crossing at the intersection of South Grand and Highway 18/71. In addition, the project will construct a sidewalk from 11th Street SW/SW to 11th Street SW Plaza. 20-SRTS-001 SOUTH "T" CROSSING


The project will improve pedestrian safety in crossing Highway 18/71. There will be minimal impact on the budget due to this project.

Justification: Budget Impact:

The proposed project will construct a new sidewalk from South Grand Avenue to 5th Avenue SE on 4th Street SE. 21-SRTS-001 4TH STREET SE

Description: Justification: Budget Impact:

The project will improve pedestrian safety.

There will be minimal impact on the budget due to this project.

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