FY 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Plan
The proposed project would upgrade the lighting in the transfer station and truck shop. 20-SW-002 LIGHTING UPGRADE
Description: Justification:
The city conducted an energy audit a couple of years ago at the transfer station facility and the lighting upgrade was recommended at that time. This project will improve safety by increasing the amount of light and should cut down on operational costs due to a more efficient lighting system.
Budget Impact:
The proposed project would consist of the purchase of a new semi tractor to haul solid waste to the landfill. 23-SW-001 SEMI TRACTOR This purchase will replace the 2010 International truck that is currently being used. At the time of replacement, the current vehicle will be 12 years old. The City will retain the current vehicle for use as a spare unit.
Description: Justification:
Budget Impact:
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