FY 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Plan
The proposed project will replace the landscaping in the Menards boulevard area.
Description: Justification: Budget Impact:
Due to die back and removal of taller plant material, the plant material is needed to landscape the boulevards.
The proposed project will renovate the restroom facilities at West Leach Park. The current restroom facilities are in need of renovation due to age and vandalism.
Description: Justification: Budget Impact:
The project will have minimal impact on the budget.
The proposed project will update the current Park and Recreation plan for the City of Spencer which was created in 2000. 21-PARK-001 PARK AND RECREATION PLAN UPDATE The plan provides an approach for the development and expansion of the City's park system. The development of the plan includes comments and input from the general public, the Council, Park Board and city staff.
Description: Justification:
There is minimal impact on the budget with this project.
Budget Impact:
The proposed project would update the existing Trails Master Plan.
Description: Justification:
Creating a master plan for future trail improvements and extension is necessary for the organized future development of the City's trail system. The current plan is several years old and many components that were identified in that plan have been completed.
There will be minimal impact on the budget due to this project.
Budget Impact:
The proposed project would consist of replacing the current bleachers at Pederson Park. 21-PARK-003 PEDERSON PARK BLEACHERS
Description: Justification: Budget Impact:
The current bleachers have significant age and could become a safety concern if their replacement is not addressed.
The proposed project will purchase a turf aerator for the athletic fields and open park areas. 21-PARK-004 TURF AERATOR
Description: Justification:
Aerating turf areas provides aeration for the turf to reduce compaction, fertilizer usage, pesticide usage and can create a safer playing turf.
Budget Impact:
The proposed project would provide for a leash-free park for citizens to exercise and release their dogs. The facility would be located at DeWolf Park. 23-PARK-001 DOG PARK The community has been requesting a dog park be installed in the park system. De Wolf Park has been identified by the Park Board as the ideal location.
Budget Impact:
The proposed project would consist of the replacement of the backstop on field #2. 23-PARK-002 PEDERSON PARK BACKSTOP
Description: Justification: Budget Impact:
Due to age, the backstop on this field will need to be replacement.
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