FY 18 Annual Report
Departmental Highlights
The Northwest Iowa Regional Airport is owned by the City of Spencer. The Street Division has the primary maintenance responsibility at the Airport. Leading Edge Aviation is contracted as the Fixed Based Operator and oversee the operation of the airport on a daily basis, including rental of the hangar space, fueling, charter flights and general aviation services. The Northwest Iowa Regional Airport opened in 1942. The airport has two paved runways. Runway 12-30 is 100' x 6,000' and runway 18-36 is 75' x 5,100'. Both runways ae grooved and are lit by remote 3 intensity LED lightings system. Runway 12 also has and ILS system. Guidance and long term planning for the facility is governed by the Airport Board of Trustees. This five member board is appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. Terms are 4 years in duration. In FY 18, the airport began work on an apron rehabilitation project. Due to timing of the project, contractor availability and the length of time to get eh concrete mix approved, this project was not complete din FY and will be completed in FY 19. No other major capital projects occurred at the facility.
Budget Review
Total department expended $195,481.81 in FY 18, which is a decrease of $25,778.19 (-11.65%) compared to FY 17. The primary cause of the decrease was lower expenditures for capital projects. The operational side of the department saw an increase in expenditures in FY 18 of $10,736.83, which primarily was driven by increases costs in the contractual services and repairs, maintenance and utilities categories. The actual increases came form increased building maintenance and utility costs. Contractual services increased because of the payment of the liability insurance that is paid once every three years. Capital expenditures were down in FY 18 due tot he timing and delay associated with the 2017 Terminal Pavement Rehabilitation project. This project was delayed due to last minute requirements from the FAA and time to have the pavement mix meet specifications. Overall the department expended 89.32% of its budget. Operational revenue increased slightly in FY 18 compared to FY 17. The actual increase in revenue was $3,739.65. There is no singular cause for the increase, due to fluctuations of the revenue stream.
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