Audit for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2017

The total business type activities cash balance increased from a year ago, increasing from $11,616,156 to $13,373,423. The analysis that follows focuses on the changes in cash basis net position of business type activities. Changes in Cash Basis Net Position of Business Type Activities

For the Year Ended June 30, 2017

For the Year Ended June 30, 2016

Increase (Decrease)


Program receipts: Charges for services:

Sanitary sewer ................................................. Solid waste ...................................................... Landfill ............................................................. Airport .............................................................. Golf course ...................................................... Operating grants and contributions ..................... Capital grants and contributions ......................... General receipts: Bond proceeds .................................................... Use of money and property ................................. Unrestricted miscellaneous ................................. Total receipts Disbursements: Sanitary sewer ........................................................ Solid waste ............................................................. Landfill .................................................................... Airport ..................................................................... Golf course ............................................................. Capital projects: Sanitary sewer .................................................... Landfill ................................................................. Airport ................................................................. Total disbursements Change in cash basis net position before transfers Net transfers .............................................................. Change in cash basis net position Cash basis net position - beginning of year ...............

$ 2,876,124 2,193,866 1,890,127 167,469 391,987 62,153 1,493,201 2,993,136 190,435 174,945 12,433,443

$ 2,674,616 2,090,072 1,723,417

$ 201,508 103,794 166,710 44,861 (24,768) (2,992) 45,553 2,993,136 (6,323) 126,482 3,647,961 (174,226) (94,917) (211,510) (26,888) 32,193 2,192,989 39,920 (243,133) 1,514,428 2,133,533 (782,635) 1,350,898 406,369

122,608 416,755 65,145 1,447,648

196,758 48,463 8,785,482

1,729,323 1,121,066

1,903,549 1,215,983

652,912 112,343 458,389

864,422 139,231 426,196


4,363,104 39,920 69,152 8,546,209 3,887,234 (2,129,967) 1,757,267 11,616,156

312,285 7,031,781 1,753,701 (1,347,332) 406,369 11,209,787



Cash basis net position - end of year


Individual Major Governmental Fund Analysis

The City's governmental funds showed a combined cash basis fund balance of $16,279,324 at June 30, 2017 which was $2,173,931 more than last year. A summary of the changes is as follows:

Cash Balances June 30, 2017

Cash Balances June 30, 2016


General ...................................................................... Road use tax ............................................................. Local option sales tax ................................................ Debt service ............................................................... Capital projects .......................................................... Total nonmajor governmental funds ..........................

$11,028,750 786,031 50,217 446,852 20,557 1,772,986

$12,445,780 897,097 178,483 476,615 134,301 2,147,048

$1,417,030 111,066 128,266 29,763

113,744 374,062






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