2017 Spencer Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Spencer, Iowa 2017 Comprehensive Plan
CITED REFERENCES AND INFORMATION SOURCES 1. Unites States Census Bureau. Spencer, Clay County, and Iowa 2. 2015 State Profile , Woods & Poole Economics, Inc., Washington Geographic area: Clay County, Iowa 3 Estimated Population (1996) and Population (1850-1990) for Incorporated Places in Iowa , 1997, Willis Goudy, Census Services, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. 4. Soil Survey of Clay County, Iowa , Soil Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. 5. Landforms of Iowa , Jean C. Prior, University of Iowa Press, January 1, 1991. 6. Iowa's Groundwater Basics, A geological guide to the occurrence, use & vulnerability of Iowa's Aquifers , 2003, Jean Cutler Prior, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, January 1, 2003. 7. Iowa Department of Transportation, Division of Planning and Programming, Office of Transportation Data. 9. Appendix A Definitions and Principals of Sustainable Communities , 1997 Sustainable Communities Task Force Report. 10. Census 2014 Demographic Profile, Regional Economics & Community Analysis Program (RECAP), Iowa State University, Department of Economics. 11. Spencer, Iowa Laborshed Analysis, Information analyzed and compiled by the Iowa Workforce Development, Labor Market & Workforce Information Division. 12. Rain Gardens brochure, Natural Resource Conservation Service, USDA, 2014. 13. Native Landscapes brochure, Natural Resource Conservation Service, USDA, 2014. 14. Pervious Paving brochure, Natural Resource Conservation Service, USDA, 2014. 15. Soil Quality Restoration brochure, Rainscaping Iowa – Landscapes for clean water. Created by Polk County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Iowa Storm Water Education Program, April 2010. 16. Clay County Hazard Mitigation Plan, Clay County EMS, 2012 17. FIRM, Flood Insurance Rate Map, FEMA, City of Spencer, Iowa, Clay County, Community-Panel Number 190071 0005 B, Map Revised April 19, 1983. 18. The Case for Multifamily, The Urban Land Institutes (selected excerpts) 19 . Spencer Recreation Trail Map , 2016 and Spencer to Iowa Great Lakes Trail System Map , 2016 McClure Engineering Co. 20. Spencer Parks and Recreation Master Plan , Dunbar/Jones Partnership, Des Moines, Iowa, 2000 21. Ten (10) Commonly Recognized Principals of Smart Growth presentation, Alex Graziani, Smart Growth Partnership of Westmoreland County, 2008. 22. Annexation Procedures and City Development Board Administrative Procedures , City Development Board, Iowa Economic Development Authority, Des Moines, Iowa. 23. Definition of Comprehensive Planning , “Iowa Smart Planning” from the Rebuild Iowa Office, 2010 24. Historic Photo of Clay County Fair entrance , Dennis Beck, Northwest Iowa & Spencer Iowa Photos on Pinterest, 2015 25. Northwestern Iowa – It’s History and Traditions 1804-1926 , Francis Allen. 26. 2005-2016 Building Permit data and valuations, City of Spencer Planning Department 27. 2018-2022 Spencer 5-Year CIP Plan, City of Spencer Public Works Department 28. Spencer Great Places Application , Northwest Iowa Planning & Development Commission, 2008
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