2017 Spencer Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Spencer, Iowa 2017 Comprehensive Plan
improvements will be complimentary to and accentuate the efforts the city has already incorporated into the riverfront development such as the 2 nd Avenue West plaza, trails, and the canoe access to the Little Sioux River. Policy 7.b. – Continue research, anticipation and preparation for development of plan and guidelines on how to address the Emerald Ash borer and the devastating effects this insect will likely have upon thousands of trees in the community. Policy 7c. – Continue efforts and support development of the Spencer north trail link to the northern city limits and support continuation of a paved off road trail to the Dickinson County line. Policy 7d. – In planning for new parks, trails and recreational amenities and services, be cautious not to over develop in excess of the capacity of city parks staff and/or to create maintenance costs above what the city can maintain. Policy 7.e. – Plan for the city’s recreational needs through the development of and regular updating of the city parks and recreation master plan. Policy 7.f. – Parks and Recreation department should explore and apply for county, state and federal funding programs to ensure the most effective utilization of public and private funding for recreational purposes. Policy 7.g. – The use of greenspace or natural buffers between residential uses and other more intensive land uses should be encouraged by the city, which will also help to strengthen the amount of greenspace within the community. Policy 7.h. – In maintaining consistency with the future land use map, the city should consider a new neighborhood park south of 13 th Street SW and between Highway 71 and 4 th Avenue SWwhen continued residential development in the vicinity reaches a critical point and demands such neighborhood park space and facilities. Policy 7.i. – In addition to a proposed neighborhood park on the city’s southwest side, the city should also consider the need and justification for a neighborhood park in 1) northeast of the Gateway Mall area or 2) south of St. Luke’s Drive in the city’s southeast area. Additionally, if needed there may be a possibility of utilizing green space and recreational amenities at Lincoln Elementary School site or Westview Memorial/Johnson Elementary School site which could also be utilized for neighborhood park space. Policy 7.j. – Plan for and follow through on intentions of creating a dog park in Spencer for residents and guests to enjoy outdoor space and amenities with their pets off lease in a safe and enclosed environment. Policy 7.k. – Preserve natural areas that incorporate historical, scenic and scientific significance. Policy 7.l. – Anticipate the support and service needs of an aging population in the community and surrounding rural areas, and ensure the recreational and service needs for this demographic are being addressed.
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