2017 Spencer Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Spencer, Iowa 2017 Comprehensive Plan
Existing Land Use -
The current use of a lot or structure at the time of the comprehensive plan. The proposed or intended use of properties or areas of land as depicted in the city’s comprehensive land use plan and maps.
Future Land Use -
Many times, similar definitions are used within the city’s zoning ordinance. Zoning definitions should not be confused with the categories listed above. Land use classifications are more general in nature and probable uses of the land are derived only from the appearance of a given land use or property. These categories are meant only to aid in studying the composition of the city’s current and proposed future land use patterns. OVERALL GOAL OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The City of Spencer’s planning program is based on the following overall comprehensive plan goal. This goal should be the most significant element underlying the comprehensive land use plan. Additional land use objectives or policies will guide the comprehensive planning process.
Maintain diversity of land uses while minimizing future land use conflicts
Provide long term planning guidance through land use controls
Preserve the character of developed areas while designating future land uses
GENERAL LAND USE DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES General development goals and objectives guide the comprehensive planning process and are summarized as follows: 1. Land Use Development & Planning - Maintain planning efforts and programs which direct planned development of the city and facilitates the orderly growth and development of the community. Promote the best land uses possible for areas to be developed, including considerations for flood prone areas. 2. Residential Development & Housing – Collaborate with private developers, public housing and funding agencies to assure quality and affordable housing opportunities, including single and
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NW Iowa Planning & Development
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