2017 Spencer Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Spencer, Iowa 2017 Comprehensive Plan
C HAPTER P OLICIES The comprehensive planning and visioning process provides tools for directing change in Spencer. A community vision will only happen if local leaders continue to consider new or nontraditional planning methods and techniques, and address land use problems that may arise. Significant commitments are required to make the planning process and implementation of this document successful. The Planning and Zoning Commission must continue to work with city leaders to guide the implementation of this plan and other development issues. This plan is not a “quick fix” to the future economic and community development actions for Spencer. With that said, this comprehensive plan should serve as a guide for future development decisions. A comprehensive land use plan needs to be modified and updated over time to maintain current plan goals and support control ordinances. The extent of growth experienced within the community will play a significant role in determining how often and what types of adjustments are required. 14 . P LANNING G OALS & L AND U SE
Land Use Policies
Comp Plan Objectives
Overall Plan Goal
- are a means by which the objective is reached
A broad statement of intent or priority over a long period of time
- specific land use decisions in support of the overall goal
- delineates specific courses of action
The previous sections of this plan contain background information upon which land use objectives and policies are based. These background elements are analyzed with regards to statistics, availability, inadequacies, preliminary recommendations, etc. Factors affecting development of such land use objectives and policies include considerations such as the public interest, social values, human behavior, economics, convenience, physical characteristics, and political climate. The unpredictability of how various interrelated determinants affect each other, combined with an effort to control and plan for future development based on these factors, necessitates a combination of objectivity and subjectivity. This plan is supported by consideration of these trends, needs, etc. from which the background data is utilized. By no means can the future be predicted with the accuracy that all portions of the plan can be carried out in an orderly fashion. Thus, flexibility is built into the plan in the form of goals, objectives, and recommendations to be utilized by the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission in making land use decisions. Goals, objectives and land use policies aid in making future decisions by the city that are not specifically spelled out in this plan.
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