2017 Spencer Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Spencer, Iowa 2017 Comprehensive Plan
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A comprehensive plan is a collection of material and information designed to guide future growth and development of the community. It is general in nature and provides a framework and policy context within which to make land use decisions relevant to future development. The comprehensive plan is long range, looking forward 10 to 15 years, and does not plan a highly specific course. Rather, the plan
Comprehensive Planning is a transparent, public process in which communities establish a future vision and locally designated standards in order to promote public health, safety and prosperity. Successful planning attracts economic development, protects and preserves the city’s resources, and encourages a strong community identity.
Defined by the Rebuild Iowa Office “Iowa Smart Planning” 2010
points toward land use goals and general policies that the city should consider when making development decisions. While short term planning is important, such as capital improvement planning, strategic action plans, economic development strategies, or municipal budgeting, it is not within the scope of this plan. Short term plans may be incorporated into the comprehensive plan by reference. The comprehensive city plan or master plan must therefore be first, a balanced and otherwise attractive general design, which is best suited to present and future needs. Second, the plan must be in scale with the population and economic prospects of the community, and third the plan must be in scale with its financial resources. The comprehensive planning process consists of utilizing past and present planning efforts and integrating this information into a vision for the future. What exactly is a “vision?” A vision is an image or foresight into where the community wishes to see the city grow and develop in the future. A common vision is critical for the development of a comprehensive plan, because once a vision statement has been established; it serves as a focal point for all other long range plan goals and specific policy statements for which to aim.
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