2016 Spencer Handbook
Table of Contents
Alcohol Use No employee may report for duty or remain on duty when his/her ability to perform assigned duties is adversely affected by alcohol or when his/her breath alcohol concentration is 0.04 or greater. No employee shall use or be in possession of alcohol while on duty, while performing work, or just before performing work. No employee shall use alcohol within four hours before reporting for duty, or during the hours while on call. Violation of these provisions is prohibited and may be cause for termination of employment. Not Negative Alcohol Test. If an employee tests between 0.02 and 0.04 on an alcohol test, the employee will be removed from duty for twenty-four (24) hours. This absence from work will be considered an unexcused absence and subject to the Employer's disciplinary procedures. Compliance with Testing Requirements All employees will be subject to urine drug testing and breath alcohol testing ( see chart ). Any employee who refuses to comply with a request for testing shall be removed from duty and disciplinary consequences will be assessed. The Employer will consider test refusal to be a positive test. Employee will be removed from duty pending a decision about their continued employment and referred to a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) for evaluation if applicable. Failure of an employee to obtain a SAP evaluation and/or failure to follow the SAP’s recommended treatment plan will be cause for termination of employment. Any employee who is suspected of providing false information in connection with a test, or who is suspected of falsifying test results through tampering, contamination, adulteration, or substitution will be required to undergo an observed sample collection. Verification of these actions will result in the employee's removal from duty and his/her employment being terminated. Refusal can include inability to provide a sufficient urine specimen or breath sample without a valid medical explanation, as well as, a verbal declaration, obstructive behavior, or physical absence resulting in the inability to conduct the test. Treatment Requirements All employees are encouraged to make use of the available resources for treatment of alcohol misuse, as well as legal and illegal drug use problems. Under certain circumstances, employees may be required to undergo treatment for substance abuse or alcohol misuse as explained in this policy. Any employee who refuses or fails to comply with the SAP’s requirements for treatment, after-care or return-to-duty directives will be subject to termination of employment. The employee’s insurance provider will coordinate the cost of the treatment or rehabilitation services. Employees who do not have health insurance coverage are responsible for the entire cost of any recommended treatment or rehabilitation services.
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