2016 Spencer Handbook
Table of Contents
USE OF CITY VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT City issued vehicles shall be used to carry out official City business and activities. City vehicles shall not be used to transport private citizens unless in an emergency or authorized by the respective Department Head.
Employees issued City vehicles shall not use them as transportation between work and home, unless in conjunction with on-call duties as approved by the respective Department Head.
No employee or representative of the City is permitted to use City equipment for personal use.
PRIVACY In collecting, maintaining, and disclosing personal information, the Employer makes every effort to protect employees' privacy rights and interests and prevent inappropriate or unnecessary disclosures of information from any employee’s file or record. Except as otherwise required by law, the Employer treats personal information about employees as confidential and respects the need for protecting each employee's privacy by enforcing secure information handling procedures on the part of all personnel whose job duties involve gathering, retaining, using, or releasing personal information about the organization's employees. The Employer collects and retains only such personal information, as it needs to effectively conduct business and administer its employment and benefit programs. The Employer takes steps to make sure that all personal and job-related information about employees is accurate, complete, and relevant for its intended purpose. In response to an information request from an outside organization, individual, or entity, the Employer normally verifies only the employment status and dates of employment of former or present employees. The Employer does not provide any other information unless and until it has received from the employee or former employee a written request that it disclose or confirm additional specific information. Desks, storage areas, work areas, file cabinets, lockers, credenzas, computer systems, office telephones, City issued cell phones, modems, facsimile machines, duplicating machines and any vehicles or equipment are the Employer’s property and must be maintained according to this policy. All such areas and items must be kept clean and are to be used only for work purposes. The Employer reserves the right, at all times, and without prior notice, to inspect and search any and all of the Employer’s property for the purpose of determining whether this policy or any other policy has been violated, or whether such inspection and investigation is necessary for purposes of promoting safety in the workplace or compliance with state or federal laws. Such inspections may be conducted during or outside of business hours. This inspection will 65
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