2016 Spencer Handbook
Table of Contents
Street Superintendent K-9 Officer HEAT Team Representative Deputy Fire Chief
The following City employees, while not normally required to respond to emergencies, are required to perform substantial duties during other than normal business or work hours. Accordingly, these employees may be assigned a vehicle.
Parks and Recreation Director
The above designated employees and officers of the City shall have full-time use of their assigned vehicles and shall be permitted to use such vehicles for transportation from home to their work site so that they will be able to respond from their home to emergency situations that may arise during other than normal business hours.
The following rules shall apply to any and all use of City vehicles:
a. No City employees or officers others than those designated above shall use City vehicles for the purpose of traveling between their residence and their work site. b. No persons other than employees of the City may operate any vehicles owned by the City of Spencer, except for persons accomplishing mechanical or repair work on vehicles. c. No family members, dependents, spouses or friends of the employee may operate a City vehicle. d. No City employee shall utilize any City owned vehicle for any personal purposes, except that the above specified employees may use assigned vehicles for traveling between their residence and their work site. e. No City employee shall operate a City vehicle unless properly licensed to do so. Any City employee whose motor vehicle operating license is suspended or revoked shall promptly notify their supervisor of such suspension or revocation. f. Any City employee operating a City vehicle involved in a motor vehicle collision shall, as soon as practicable, notify their supervisor of the circumstances. g. City Vehicles will not be allowed to be taken home if employee lives more than three miles from the City Limits of Spencer.
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