2016 Spencer Handbook
Table of Contents
Salaried Exempt Employees under Federal Fair Labor Standards Act Includes: City Manager, Deputy City Manager/Finance Officer, Finance Director, City Clerk, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief, Public Works Director, Assistant Public Works Director, Planning Director, Library Director, Street Superintendent, Cemetery Superintendent, Solid Waste Superintendent, Landfill Superintendent, Park Superintendent, and Parks and Recreation Director. The Director of Golf Operations, and Campground Attendant are exempt because of their classification as seasonal, recreational employees. These employees are exempt from the provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act as determined by the City Attorney and City staff. Compensatory time provisions do not apply to these positions. Employees in these positions may accumulate extra hours due to the nature of their positions and may adjust their work schedules accordingly. Attendance by exempt employees at regularly scheduled Commission, Board or Council meetings may be required. Such attendance is part of the employment requirements for these positions and does not result in extra pay or compensatory time. Time Off During the Workweek At the discretion of the supervisor or department head, any employee may be given time off during the workweek to compensate for additional hours worked at other times during the workweek so that the total hours worked during the week do not exceed 40. Such adjustment of work hours during the workweek is not “compensatory time off” and is permitted under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Call Back Pay If an employee is requested to report for work at other than his assigned duty time, he shall be credited with the time actually worked or a minimum of two (2) hours, whichever is greater. This provision shall not apply when an employee is required to commence his work shift early or is required to work beyond his normal duty period. Supervisor determines normal work shift. Interrupted Sleep Time If sleep time for Fire Department employees is interrupted by a call to duty, time spent for the interruption is “hours worked” and will be paid accordingly. If the employee does not have 5 hours of interrupted sleep time, then the entire tour of duty is considered “hours worked.”
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